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Showing posts from September 25, 2011

Mysql Scripts in Linux Command Line Terminal

In MySQL user always tries to connect with the server via command line interface such as remote login like 'ssh' then they troubled themselves in using graphical interface and get the required output quickly. So they need to automate that task. In this Blog I am going to suggest you a way to do this ... First of all we need to know that a MySQL service is kept in /etc/init.d/mysqld and we need to invoke that in order to use mysql server and client. To do this use following command in terminal : service /etc/init.d/mysqld start or service mysqld start When mysql server is started make a directory like /home/anduril/shubham_Script and after entering into that directory use this command in your terminal. vi It will create a file with the name you can give any name you want. Press 'i' to edit and enter the following text : mysqlshow -u root -proot mysqladmin version -u root -proot mysqladmin variables -u root -proot mysqladmin ping -u roo

Add user in Sudoer file

The command sudo provides other users to run a command as a root. To use sudo user must have their level of privilege in /etc/sudoer file. In some cases this file is set for read only and others can edit that file and add their user name in Sudoer for this case such as Fedora 12 users need to provide this syntax as a root on their terminal. Syntax for adding a user in Sudoer file is: echo "username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers And to gain the writing privilege you can use the following code in your terminal : chmod 755 /etc/sudoers This code will be enough to give permissions to the user and his user group. If you are an ubuntu user you can easily add your user in this file like: vi /etc/sudoers And you will get a text file. Afterward you need to press 'i' for edit and edit by adding your username just below "root ALL=(ALL) ALL" "username ALL=(ALL) ALL"

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Mysql Scripts in Linux Command Line Terminal

In MySQL user always tries to connect with the server via command line interface such as remote login like 'ssh' then they troubled themselves in using graphical interface and get the required output quickly. So they need to automate that task. In this Blog I am going to suggest you a way to do this ... First of all we need to know that a MySQL service is kept in /etc/init.d/mysqld and we need to invoke that in order to use mysql server and client. To do this use following command in terminal : service /etc/init.d/mysqld start or service mysqld start When mysql server is started make a directory like /home/anduril/shubham_Script and after entering into that directory use this command in your terminal. vi It will create a file with the name you can give any name you want. Press 'i' to edit and enter the following text : mysqlshow -u root -proot mysqladmin version -u root -proot mysqladmin variables -u root -proot mysqladmin ping -u roo

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